Monday, 23 January 2017

Finally found something I don't need any help with #partytime!

Good evening Loves..How are you doing? I'm feeling pretty rotten at present. Think this cold bug/virus has caught up with me but I'm soldiering on as any awesome mom-wife-student would do. Got quite a few photos to show you as always..I like to photo document some of my work as I go along..It also means I can use the photos in my portfolio when I hand in each brief (no...I don't mean pants lol)

The start of last week started out with doing something I've found out I absolutely love...Basic block drafting and Pattern drafting. I really love the technical, mathematical precision of it. Something I never thought I would say but there is something so satisfying with starting with a blank piece of dot and cross paper, working through the 'recipe' and then you see your pattern. It's certainly the way of working I like best and as creative as I am, You give me some fabric and a stand and ask me to drape and hang with no pattern, Well I just can't cope. It doesn't come natural to me. I like it constructed and precise.

The postman delivered these beauties too last week from devere yarns I've been waiting super patiently..Actually I may have stamped my foot on few occasions but they are here...The orange one is photo luminescent thread..IT GLOWS IN THE DARK *WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. Yep, It glows in the dark and the silver one is Sterling silver thread, I know right! Sterling silver. I'm super excited to be using these threads as part of my textile element for this terms brief. I'll have some piccies on my next blog to show you what I'm doing with them but in a nutshell..Im going to be hand embroidering constellations onto my garment. Watch this space...hahahaha..Get it, Constellations-Space ;-)

 Now don't ask me how I have done this but I've only bloody drawn something that actually looks half decent..This bloody skeletal hand. Calm yourselves all down..I'll be taking commissions very soon. Hehehehehehehehehe! I'm a messy artist, quite the opposite to when I'm pattern drafting funnily enough. This skeletal beauty was drawn using dipping ink and a basic calligraphy pen. They are going to become my new best friends when it comes to drawing..

My week finished off with being the model for my college buddies University portfolio. I was modelling her wonderful creations. It was great fun and I really enjoyed being on the other side of the camera for a change.

Talking of being on the other side of the camera, My self portrait project is coming on really well. Week 24 can be seen here and Our igersblackcountry page is going really well too..If anybody is interested you can check it out here. We are so excited to showcase our amazing region and although its only been one week in the making, we have been featured on our first blog...You can view that here and read all about us!

Nighty Nighty Folks...Thats enough talking from me. Abi

Monday, 16 January 2017

Have we all stopped saying Happy New Year yet?

Well I'm going to say it...HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. Welcome back to my super honest, shambolic blog of a 30-something, mum to one and student.

It's been a funny few dasy back to be honest-The course has seen some changes in staff and structure but as always I'm trying my best to embrace these changes and tackle them head on. I'll admit, Yes I've had a good moan and last Wednesday saw me in a full on breakdown, tears and snot (Huge Thank you to Mark my contextual studies tutor for being my rock!) but I guess fear, coupled with the anxiety about change had manifested over the week and I had bottled most of it all up. I won't be doing that again and will really start to make an effort to discuss my fears or worries sooner rather than let them bring me down. Anyway..With that said and done, Overall I've been having a bit of fun too.

I've been embracing my inner Pollock in the studio and creating galaxy-like, paint splatter pieces of art for our new brief titled-Opposition. I've made a little 7 second time-lapse video. Hit that play button! With my earphones in, listening to Euphoric dance music (I think the exact song was Synth and Strings) I was well away and In my element or should I say..In my own world. Music really helps me to focus and also gives me inspiration. I kind of let myself go to the music. These creations are all part of my design development and will go toward the inspiration for my final curated garment piece, which is going to be a sweatshirt of some description.

Paint splatter Pollock art fashion design developement
Splatter away! 
Releasing my inner Pollock

Close up of paint splatter-added salt
to give extra dimension

There is one thing that really did put a smile on my face this week and that was attending my first ever life drawing class. I was so nervous because A) I can't draw B) I was going to see a naked penis in a room full of other students and C) What If I burst out laughing...Well I didn't laugh and I saw a penis and My drawing is getting better. I really enjoyed myself, despite being very nervous and I was more nervous of everyone seeing my shit drawing, I can't wait to go back again. I struggle with body proportions when doing my fashion illustrations so I'm hoping that the life drawing is going to help me with this and to understand the body and body shapes a bit more,whilst improving my skill overall.

I've also been able to include my own photography as whilst away for New Year I photographed The Milky Way, These images has proven to be great primary sources and Im hoping to further develop one of the images for a possible print. You can head on over to my page here and check out my astro images and If I've still got your attention..I hope so then please check out a new venture I've started with my buddies..We have set up the official #igersblackcountry instagram account. Here's a link to our page on facebook. Read all about it and perhaps see you on Instagram.

Abi xxxx